Monday, June 28, 2010

Another Fathers Day!!

We had another great Father's Day. Daddy got some great gifts! Andy is a riot as usual! He will tell us he is a robot, then when you call him a robot he says "I'm not a robot, I'm just a little boy!" He is not sleeping AGAIN! We had a good run where he slept in his own bed, but alas not anymore. He will alos ask "Mamma, are you my Mother?" and "Daddy, are you my Father?"

Sunday, June 13, 2010

what's in our ear this week

Andy is speaking in full sentences on a regular basis. He also has some great one liners, questions and words. After coming home from my girlfriend Cissie's 40th Birthday party Andy greeted me at the door. "You look beautiful, Mama" ahh my heart melts. Some other comments: "not again...", " I am a Ro-bot" (with robot moving limbs). playing in the tub "come here soap, I'm going to get you soap", at the park hearing some little girls play. "what the heck is going on HERE!" and the always present "I do it myself!", "me to the rescue"! I think he has a hero complex, he often calls himself "superman" When I ask him if he is a robot he says "no Mama, I am a little boy!" and he loves to "tuddle" (cuddle) in the morning!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Has it really been a year!!

I can't believe it has been a year since I last updated my Andy Blog. Obviously he has kept us very busy! It has been a great year. He is walking, scratch that running and climbing all over the place! He speaks in full sentences and boy are they funny!! He likes to pick his nose and he likes to climb everything!! He currently wants to be a robot and speaks in robot diction as often as possible! He is an absolute joy! Andybot is a robot and he like to climb. :)

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

talking talking talking

Andy is talking up a storm these days. He has about 10 words. He says Mama,Dada,no, uh-oh, yellow, bird, clock, moon, meow, duck. He is really turning into a chatter box and a little boy. His Valentine's pictures were adorable and heartbreaking at the smae time. Such a big boy!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Doctors appt

Andy had his latest doctors appointment today. He is 21 pounds 8.5 ounces, 10-25%tile. and 31 inches 50%tile. He also got 2 pokes (shots). He is perfectly on track, if not a little underweight. I wonder where he gets that from?:) He loves to play chase, he will walk down the hallway and try to get you to chase him. He even will laugh and throw whatever is in his hands so he can walk/run faster. He also loves to play peek-a-boo. He will laugh and giggle, he would love to play for hours on end. He even tries to say peek-a-boo. It comes out Peeaboo. He says Dadda, some times Momma. He loves to climb over, under and around everything!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Christmas 2008

We had a great Christmas 2008! Andy loved running around and playing with all the wrapping and boxes. Next year, I am sure he will open all our presents! He got a dump truck from Santa at our house, a car/stroller at Grandparents Phaneuf and a tricycle at Grandma Mary's. And Satin PJ's from Japan!

Andy loves playing with his cousins Michael and Katie. He now says uh-oh and is blowing kisses at everyone! It was a great Christmas!

Thursday, January 1, 2009


Then we came home and Andrew went on his first date with Avery :)